Welcome Pastor Christ Langston and Family

We're excited to welcome Pastor Chris Langston, his wife Izzy and their two wonderful children to our Middletown family.


Pastor Langston previously served in the Columbia district, Kentucky, before heading to Andrews University to complete his master's in Divinity. Now, he returns to the KYTN Conference to serve here and the Lawrenceburg church.


Pastor Langston shares that he felt called to ministry from an early age but initially avoided the call, choosing to serve in the U.S. Army instead. Eventually, after years of wrestling with that call, he said ‘yes’ to God’s appointment in his life.


“My favorite aspect of pastoral ministry is the sharing of a common vision,” Langston said. “Seeing the Gospel at work in the hearts and minds of the body of Christ. God is drawing people to Himself, and we are so privileged to be a part of His mission.”


We are so happy to have him here!