Take a look at the picture here. It looks unreal, isn’t it? That is a “Mavericks” wave, and these surfers want to ride it. How is it possible? In order to make it, they must be fit, and they must believe they can do it. This picture reflects exactly our situation in the world and here in Louisville. The wave represents the number of COVID-19 cases rising daily and becoming a “Mavericks” wave. The surfers represent us living in the Louisville metro area, December of 2020.
We want you to know that the leadership of our church cares deeply about you, every single one of you. No matter how that “wave” is formed, the reality is, the “wave” is real and is coming our way. Together, with the Lord’s help, we are going to make it.
The purpose of this post is to update you regarding the current state of COVID in our community and some changes that will be happening to our worship service in response. Also, we want to present you with some things we each can do so that we can make it to the other side of this “wave”.
COVID-19 in our Community
The healthcare professionals in our church Pandemic Advisory Committee are expressing concern about the rising cases of COVID patients in our hospitals. Numbers have been increasing rapidly and there is real concern that soon, there may not be adequate beds or staff to properly care for any who need hospitalization.
We want our church family to overcome this “wave” and be a successful witness on the other side. We do not say this to cause fear or worry, but rather to encourage you and support you during this time. The Pandemic Advisory Committee is suggesting that all members strongly consider the following recommendations.
Physical wellness
- Stay healthy at home as much as possible. Refrain and evaluate your going out.
Changes to our Worship Service
Our church will remain open but most of the service will now be pre-recorded. The videoed segments may vary somewhat from week to week, but the sermon may now be the only segment of our service that is routinely “live”. Please remember to register if you wish to attend in-person, as seating capacity is limited.
- Take care of your body. The Seventh-day Adventist church’s health message gives us a significant advantage over the rest of the population. Exercise 20-30 minutes each day, get at least 10-15 minutes daily of sunshine and fresh air, 6-8 hours of sleep, drink at least 8 cups of water, and be sure to eat healthfully.
- Boost your immune system. There have been studies that show better recovery results for COVID patients that are given Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. Taking these vitamins in the recommended daily doses has been shown to help improve one’s immune system to better fight COVID if infected. If you aren’t already doing so, talk with your doctor about these supplements and your medical condition/medications, and consider starting a daily vitamin routine that includes these three immune-boosters.
Mental wellness
- Taking care of your body helps mental health. When you eat healthfully, exercise and sleep as recommended above, it helps not just your body but also your mind. God wants us to have clear, healthy minds. Our prefrontal cortex, the place in our brain where decisions are made, can be clouded by lack of sleep, and/or consuming food items that contain refined sugar or mood-altering agents.
- Do something that you enjoy: handcrafting, singing, cooking, playing, etc. The idea is to participate in some activity that takes your mind from the cares and worries of your life to something where you use the creative part of your brain. It reduces stress, relaxes your body and fortifies your mind.
- Watch and listen to inspiring media! For as much as possible and as safe as possible fast from secular media and secular news. What we put in our bodies, besides food, via sound and eyesight determines the state of our mind. Do you want to feel joy and peace? Listen and watch something that fills you with joy and peace.
Spiritual Wellness
- Stay connected with heaven by reading the Bible and praying; Do one of the following: read a psalm per day or read one chapter from Proverbs per day or simply follow your Bible reading plan. Take time to surrender to God in prayer in the morning. Have a prayer partner and pray as often as possible together; sharing prayer requests makes you feel spiritually connected with one another and with God
- Memorize a bible verse, then meditate on it for as long as your schedule allows. Studies show that participating in a daily Christian devotional and Christian meditation will speed up the healing process in case you get sick.
- Claim a bible promise each day! The bible is full of wonderful promises. Thousands of them. Start with those that fit your situation. Claim those promises in your prayers and in your meditations. It will build your faith and your trust in God. Having trust in God has also proven to increase your chance of fighting any disease.
These are just a few things we can do to make sure we ride safely to the other side of this pandemic wave. If you want to talk, pray, or visit, or if you or someone in your household have tested positive for COVID-19, please contact pastor Marius via phone, text or email. This is especially important if you attended church within several days of testing positive. Pastor Marius and our elders are making themselves available to visit with you via phone, zoom or whatever means makes you comfortable. We love you and we want you to feel cared for.
Be faithful! Have hope! Stay healthy!
-Pastor Marius, the Pandemic Advisory Committee, and the Church Board